
Dialog API

API documentation for the React Dialog component. Learn about the available props, and the CSS API.


import Dialog from '@material-ui/core/Dialog';
// 或
import { Dialog } from '@material-ui/core';
You can learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.

Dialogs are overlaid modal paper based components with a backdrop.

Component name

The name MuiDialog can be used when providing default props or style overrides in the theme.


open*boolfalseControl the popup` open state.
aria-describedbystringThe id(s) of the element(s) that describe the dialog.
aria-labelledbystringThe id(s) of the element(s) that label the dialog.
childrennodeDialog children, usually the included sub-components.
classesobjectOverride or extend the styles applied to the component. See CSS API below for more details.
disableEscapeKeyDownboolfalseIf true, hitting escape will not fire the onClose callback.
fullScreenboolfalseIf true, the dialog is full-screen.
fullWidthboolfalseIf true, the dialog stretches to maxWidth.
Notice that the dialog width grow is limited by the default margin.
| 'sm'
| 'md'
| 'lg'
| 'xl'
| false
| string
'sm'Determine the max-width of the dialog. The dialog width grows with the size of the screen. Set to false to disable maxWidth.
onBackdropClickfuncCallback fired when the backdrop is clicked.
onClosefuncCallback fired when the component requests to be closed.

function(event: object, reason: string) => void
event: The event source of the callback.
reason: Can be: "escapeKeyDown", "backdropClick".
PaperComponentelementTypePaperThe component used to render the body of the dialog.
PaperPropsobject{}Props applied to the Paper element.
| 'paper'
'paper'Determine the container for scrolling the dialog.
TransitionComponentelementTypeFadeThe component used for the transition. Follow this guide to learn more about the requirements for this component.
| { appear?: number, enter?: number, exit?: number }
{ enter: duration.enteringScreen, exit: duration.leavingScreen }The duration for the transition, in milliseconds. You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object.
TransitionPropsobjectProps applied to the transition element. By default, the element is based on this Transition component.

ref 则会被传递到根元素中。
Any other props supplied will be provided to the root element (Modal).


While not explicitly documented above, the props of the Modal component are also available on Dialog. You can take advantage of this to target nested components.


Rule nameGlobal class描述
root.MuiDialog-rootStyles applied to the root element.
scrollPaper.MuiDialog-scrollPaperStyles applied to the container element if scroll="paper".
scrollBody.MuiDialog-scrollBodyStyles applied to the container element if scroll="body".
container.MuiDialog-containerStyles applied to the container element.
paper.MuiDialog-paperStyles applied to the Paper component.
paperScrollPaper.MuiDialog-paperScrollPaperStyles applied to the Paper component if scroll="paper".
paperScrollBody.MuiDialog-paperScrollBodyStyles applied to the Paper component if scroll="body".
paperWidthFalse.MuiDialog-paperWidthFalseStyles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth=false.
paperWidthXs.MuiDialog-paperWidthXsStyles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="xs".
paperWidthSm.MuiDialog-paperWidthSmStyles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="sm".
paperWidthMd.MuiDialog-paperWidthMdStyles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="md".
paperWidthLg.MuiDialog-paperWidthLgStyles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="lg".
paperWidthXl.MuiDialog-paperWidthXlStyles applied to the Paper component if maxWidth="xl".
paperFullWidth.MuiDialog-paperFullWidthStyles applied to the Paper component if fullWidth={true}.
paperFullScreen.MuiDialog-paperFullScreenStyles applied to the Paper component if fullScreen={true}.

You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options:
